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Unite the Union

Bangor University branch

Please note, legal assistance is available to those who have been members of the union for at least 4 weeks. New members joining with a pre-existing issue are not covered for that issue. Don't wait until you have a problem before joining.


Your Branch Officers and Contact Information:

Chair David J Roberts SOS Tel: (01248 38)2885 email: oss108@bangor.ac.uk
Secretary Alan Dawson IS Tel: (01248 38)2972 email: a.f.dawson@bangor.ac.uk
Treasurer Peter Hughes SOS Tel: (01248 38)2584 email: ossa02@bangor.ac.uk
(Please note, Unite's Senior Regional Officer in North Wales is also called Peter Hughes but is based in Flint,
contact: 01352 733611 or 0845 6046386)
Health & Safety William Gareth Parry Tel: Via branch secretary email: w.g.parry@bangor.ac.uk

Meetings: currently online using Teams

Reference documents are stored on the University Unions section of the U: drive:
U:\University Unions\Unite\Shared
(access only possible from within Bangor University)

(For regrading information, please also refer to the Bangor University Human Resources Framework Agreement website)


Links to Unite

Unite the Union


This site is maintained by David Roberts